Order Ahead
Merchant: How to guide
Managing orders
Step: 1
How to log in
Enter your merchant Username and Password.
Press the blue ‘Log in’ button.

Step: 2
Click ‘Accept’ when a new order comes in
When you click accept on an order in the ‘New Orders.’ tab, the customer will be notified that their order has been accepted and that you are preparing their order.
Note: While the customer is waiting for you to accept the order, they are able to cancel the order from their application. Should they cancel the order during this time, the order will be removed from view in the ‘New Orders’ tab and can be found in the ‘Other’ tab with the status ‘Cancelled’

Step: 3
Let the customer know that their order is ready
Tap on the ‘Ready’ button on the order. This will notify the customer that their order is ready for collection/delivery.

Step: 4
Close the order
Once the order has either been successfully collected by the customer or delivered to the customer, tap on the ‘Complete’ button. This will notify the user that their order has been successfully collected/delivered and will move the order to the ‘Completed Orders’ tab on the dashboard. If for any reason you were unable to successfully deliver the order to the user or the order was not successfully collected by the user, tap on the ‘Unsuccessful’ button, this will then notify the user that they need to contact your store for further information/arrangement around the order.

Step: 5
Enable notifications
Tap on the ‘Enable notifications’ tab and then tap on the ‘Allow’ button in the pop up. This will ensure that you are notified via a push notification when a new order comes in, even if you’ve closed your browser. This will ensure that you never miss an order.

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